The Manurewa and Clendon Town Centre Ambassadors do an amazing job in our Town Centres. They are involved in community patrols, crowd control, event coordination, logging jobs through to Council and Auckland Transport on behalf of our businesses and community, and most importantly walking, talking and promoting Manurewa as a great place to eat, meet and be in. Their duties also include helping our local schools and kindergartens with patrols, crossings, events. The Ambassadors are our eyes and ears on the ground, they are our Town Centre representatives, they are our links to our businesses, community groups, sports teams, schools and so much more of the great things that Manurewa has to offer. From picking up rubbish to cleaning graffiti to helping you cross the road, the Ambassadors are here to help in any way possible to make our experience a great one in Manurewa. So if you are ever need to find out what’s happening in Manurewa, please feel free to ask one of the friendly team.
In an Emergency
Call 111 when:
Someone is badly injured or in danger;
There is a serious risk to life or property;
A crime is being committed and the offenders are still there or have just left.
To report a historic incident eg. Overnight break-in or something that happened a few days ago call Auckland Central Police on 09 302 6400 and ask for the Crime Reporting Line.
Alternatively contact the Manurewa Police on 09 268 5800 or visit them between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday at 14 Halver Road, Manurewa.
In case of a medical emergency, the nearest defibrillators are located at:
• The Peoples Centre – 7 Halver Rd, Manurewa – 09 268 6331
• ASB – 10/214 Great South Road, Manurewa, Auckland 2102
• Manurewa Medical Centre – 157 Great South Rd, Manurewa – 09 266 9044
• Greenstone Family Clinic – 157 Great South Road, Manurewa – 09 267 8702
• Manurewa Leisure Centre – 33 Frances St, Manurewa 2102 – 09 267 4646
• Manurewa High School – 67 Browns Rd, Manurewa 2102 – 09 269 0690
PLEASE NOTE: AED may not be available for use at certain times from all locations